Yes, you've guessed right. I have developped chemo fatigue. If I had my way, I'd be double dosing the rest of the chemo treatment in a couple of weeks just so that it is over sooner rather than later. But that's my taciturn onco's call and knowing him, I really should not be messing with his protocol.
So yes, I am quite looking forward to the END of tomorrow, when a dose of chemo coupled with a royal wedding should see me in good spirits IA.
These past days I have indulged in all of my heart's desires (which really are my tongue's desires) as I know that the coming week will see me yoyoing between no taste and bad taste, dance fever highs and pit bottom lows, zombie peace and foggy wars. Absolute fun I tell you!!! Ha! I feel like a habitual criminal returning to an all too familiar cell!
So, before I head to jail tomorrow, let me pen down a few things which I am grateful for. Let's see:
- The now ritual Bouillon Mee Foon with "Heart" before chemo;
- Friends in far away lands skyping me and showing me their boys;
- A workplace that reminds me that pain and suffering does not come only in the form of cancer;
- Quick henna; and
- Love of the purest kind.
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