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Friday, 20 May 2011

Chemo No 4 - Dinner in a washbasin

It is not nice to see your dinner in your washbasin!

But after throwing up, Alhamdulillah, I get to temporarily forget my stomach.

I had a whole post written in my head for tonight.  But I am turning off the switch in my brain. 

Hoping to get through the night without a volcano bubbling in my stomach is ALL I wish for tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Great to stumble on your blog! Best of luck on your journey! Have you heard of FAMEDS and the org's fight for Avastin to stay on label for the 17,500+ women with metastatic breast cancer the drug is working for? Please sign and share our petition to save these women: http://fameds.org/petition.php
